Sacraments of the Church

In our faith tradition there are 7 sacraments that become the framework of our Catholic identity. They celebrate significant spiritual events marking transitions in life, bringing spiritual meaning. All our sacraments are encounters with the living Lord Jesus and are life giving. The sacraments are at the heart of the catholic community.

The sacraments are divided into three groups. The sacraments of initiation includes baptism, confirmation and holy Eucharist. The second groups relates to states of life, and are the sacraments of commitment, marriage and holy orders. The third group is the sacraments of healing, reconciliation and anointing of the sick.


Anointing of the Sick

The church has always had a ministry of healing to the sick, suffering and dying. The sacrament of the anointing of the sick is for all who are sick of mind, body or spirit. As a community, St. Marguerite Bourgeoys celebrates communal anointing of the sick in the fall and spring for those who wish to avail themselves to this sacrament.
All are encouraged to experience the healing presence of the Risen Christ, especially if they are preparing for surgery, undergoing treatments or receiving chemotherapy.
Please call the Parish office to request a priest to visit your home or the hospital to administer the sacrament.


Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation into the Christian community. Through the waters of Baptism, we are given the Life of Christ’s love and the promise of eternal life.
For the Baptism of an infant or child, parents should contact Sheryl Vanderbeck in the Parish office: 506-622-5720 and she will help you schedule a date.
Any adult who desires to be baptized or receive any of the other Sacraments of Initiation (First Eucharist and Confirmation) should call the Parish Office at 506-622-5720 and Sheryl will put you in contact someone about the R.C.I.A (Right of Christian Initiation for Adults) program at our church. This is a small group process by which a person who is interested in becoming a Catholic, may receive the Sacraments of Initiation, namely Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.


Confirmation is the sacrament of strengthening and a confirming of the gifts already given at Baptism. It is one of the Sacraments of Initiation and originally formed part of the initiation rite of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist, which were all given to the new Christians at the same time. Adults are confirmed and receive the Eucharist at the time of their Baptism, however children are generally baptized in infancy and receive Communion when they are around six or seven years old and then receive the sacrament of Confirmation when they are around fourteen. This time between First Eucharist and Confirmation allows the young candidates to have a fuller understanding of what is happening when they receive the Holy Spirit sacramentally. Confirmation completes the baptismal rite.

Students prepare for confirmation through their Religious Education classes and they receive Confirmation during the Spring of their 9th grade year of school. For more information on Confirmation please call Cindy Diotte our Religious Education Coordinator at 506-622-5723.


Weekly we gather as a faith community to celebrate Eucharist. We gather to commemorate Christ’s resurrection. Eucharist is our time as community to gather to listen to God’s Word. At Eucharist we are nourished spiritually to go and live what we have celebrated, God’s love for us.

When we break the bread, we share in the body of the Lord; when we bless the cup, we share in the blood of Christ.
1 Corinthians 10:16
I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, no one who believes in me will ever thirst.
John 6:35
After Jesus had washed their feet He returned to table and said to them, do you know what I have done to you?
If I your teacher and Lord have washed your feet you also must wash one another's feet, for I have given you an example as I have done so must you.
John 13

Holy Orders and Consecrated Life

Holy orders is the sacrament in which a man commits through ordination his life to serve the faith community in ministerial priesthood. The priest through ordination is configured to the life of Christ’s presence. With ordination to priesthood comes the responsibility to preside at the sacraments of the church. For further information about vocations to priesthood and religious life please contact the pastor here at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish or the diocesan vocation director at 506-653-6800.

Consecrated life is a commitment made by faith filled men and women who are called to live more radically the gospel of Jesus Christ in mission and ministry of the church to the people of god.

This call is lived out through prayer, community and service to the vulnerable, poor, lonely, sick, aged and youth, being advocates by ministering in all parts of the world for peace and justice.


In our Catholic tradition, marriage is understood as the union of man and woman in which the couple unite with their pledge of love before God and the community.

Couples who would like to get married at any of the 5 worship sites in our parish must contact the parish office. Six months prior notice is required.

It is strongly recommended that couples seek a marriage preparation course. Many couples who have gone through the program have found it quite helpful.


The sacrament of Penance is a sacrament of healing love, heart, mind and soul. This sacrament is for times when we fail in our love of self, God and others. This sacrament affords us the opportunity to rid our hearts of failures, weakness and sin; and to come to know and come to understand God’s great love, mercy and forgiveness for us.