Parish Ministries

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish is blessed with many ministries in which individuals share their gifts to be used in the community to make visible the Body of Christ. All are welcome to give serious thought and consideration to becoming involved in these various ministries. By Baptism we are given the mandate to participate in the life of our community for service of others and God.



St. Mary’s Bereavement Committee and St. Samuel’s Martha’s Guild support families and friends in our faith community by preparing a luncheon for family and friends in our church halls after a funeral.

They look after calling for donations of sandwiches/sweets, preparing the tables and clean up afterwards. This service gives the families a place to gather to tell stories and to reminisce about their loved ones.

If you are interested in volunteering your time with the Bereavement Committee or Martha’s Guild, whether it is for donations of food for receptions or in the sharing of your time on the day of the funeral, please call Donald & Jean O’Neill 352-2390 the coordinators for St. Mary’s Bereavement Committee or Alberta Creamer 773-7262, or Sylvia Murphy 773-5796 the coordinators for St. Samuel’s Martha’s Guild.

Children's Word Liturgy

Children’s Word Liturgy is a program offered at St. Mary’s to help young parishioner’s better understand the readings and gospel of the week. Children’s Word Liturgy takes place during mass children aged 4 – 12 are invited to take part in this ministry.

Father calls the young people to the front of the church at the beginning of mass and as a group they go with their catechists who will then lead them in the readings and gospel as well as the intentions for the week. The children return to their parents and community at offertory time of mass.

Anyone wishing to volunteer their time with this ministry is invited to call the parish religious education office at 622-5723. For a copy of the volunteers schedule please click on the file below .​

Liturgical Ministries

The essential element for participation in a ministry is a desire to serve others and to participate more deeply and more fully in the life and mission of the Church. If you feel you would like to volunteer your services to one or more of the following ministries please call the office to offer your name.

Adult Altar Server
We are always looking for adults to assist at our weekend and weekday masses. Training is provided.
Adult Funeral Server
This ministry consists of teams of four members who journey with the presider to greet the remains at the church entrance. One minister carries the funeral pall, one is the cross bearer and two carry the candles. They assist the Priest by serving at the altar and assist at the Final Commendation and Farewell.
Altar Server
Any school age children who are aged 10 and up and would like to participate in our liturgies by serving the Priest at mass, this is a great spot to start your volunteer work. Training is provided.
Altar Society
This group of individuals is responsible for cleaning, ironing & folding the altar linens for mass. As of now, each individual in the group is responsible for one month per year.
Eucharist Minister
The duties of this ministry are to serve the Body and Blood of Christ to the parishioners. Following Mass, they will purify the vessels and put them away. Training is available.
Gift Bearers
Families are encouraged to participate in the Sunday Liturgies by carrying the gifts of bread, wine and money in procession to the altar. Our gifts are offered to God, the Church and those in need. All are welcome to participate in this meaningful practice.
Hospitality Ministry
Just as you would welcome guests into your own home, this group welcomes our parishioners at our weekly Eucharistic Celebrations. Typically there are teams of 4 people who will be asked to volunteer every 4-6 weeks.
Lector Ministry
This position is for someone interested in reading the scriptural passages during the Mass or other Liturgical Gatherings. Students are welcome and encouraged to volunteer in this position.
A Sacristan is entrusted with such duties as setting out sacred objects used in the Eucharistic Celebration, turning on the lights, lighting candles as well as returning items to the sacristy, extinguishing candles and turning out the lights following the Liturgy.


St. Mary’s Senior Choir
The style of music is traditional, accompanied by the organ. They meet Wednesdays for rehearsals, sing on Sunday morning Mass and are often asked to sing at funerals.. Please contact Mary Butler at 622-3711 to join.

St. Samuel’s Choir
Choir Practice is Wednesday evenings at St. Samuel’s Church
St. Samuel’s Folk Choir
Practice is Mondays at 7:00 pm at St. Samuel’s Church

Sts. Peter & Paul Choir
Choir practice is Thursdays at 7 pm at the Fr. Morriscy Center.

Music Director / Cantor / Organist 

Jacqueline Allain NPM- music ministry for over 45 years, leading the congregation in singing for Mass Saturday 4:30 and other weekday Masses and Eucharistic devotions at St. Mary’s Church, 12 noon St. Joachim’s and first Sunday of the month at St.Ann’s , 4pm Divine Mercy Holy Hour last Sunday of the month at St. Samuel’s Church , funerals and weddings throughout the five St. Marguerite Bourgeois Parish churches.  Let us sing in prayer together in response to God’s Love with gratitude and joy! Amen! 

Please note new members are always welcome to join any of the choirs. 

Other Ministries

All ministries are important to the continuation and development of our Parish. Volunteers both young and old can find a spot to offer their services in the many ministries we have in the Parish. Everyone has a talent and abilities where they shine – consider sharing your talents and abilities with our faith community.

Development & Peace
This committees’ mandate is to educate and fundraise. There is usually a Fall campaign to raise awareness of issues in developing countries and then during Lent there is usually a fundraiser to raise monies for these issues. New volunteers always welcome.

Martha Guild
The important ministry organizes and coordinates the many social functions at our Parish such as Confirmation and Feast Day receptions.

Prison Ministry
Unconditional love! That is the fundamental drive of Christian prison ministry. Are you able to love people for who they are not what they have done? If so, you may be on the right track to follow a workshop geared to the formation of Chapel Volunteers at Atlantic Institution. If interested please call the office.


St. Mary’s Prayer Shawl Ministry

“May the beauty of the Lord be upon us, guiding the work of our hands for us” Psalm 90:17
St. Mary’s Prayers Shaw Ministry is an expression of our Baptismal Commitment to be people of Gods healing light and comfort through the creation of shawls that are lovingly made and prayed over. The shawl is meant to symbolize the love and embrace of God and are given to those who need to be “wrapped in the arms of God”, such as someone who has lost a loved one, someone ill or in a hospital or nursing home, someone getting married or having a baby or any number of reasons. Those who receive the shawls continue to be held in prayer.

If you like to knit or crochet come join us! It is a prayerful and meditative time when we are able to use the talents God gave us to share His love with others. Isn’t that the perfect mix?

Do you know someone who would like to have a Prayer Shawl - if so please contact the parish office or any member of this ministry. The group meets at St. Mary’s worship site, on Thursday mornings at 10 am in room 120. We are all-inclusive and WELCOME everyone – male and female, beginners or advanced from anywhere along the River and beyond.-
This ministry was established in March, 2011